Monday, 31 October 2011

Trick or treat? Duh!

It's Halloween, which means time for a good and simple, spine-chilling pumpkin soup. Whether you add spooky amounts of chilli or keep it mild and child-friendly (or pretend to do the latter while actually...) is up to you, of course.

I, for one, think a devious bit of extra chilli can never do any harm...

1 pumpkin
(neither freakishly large nor freakishly tiny)

3 carrots
(no creepy sizes here, either)

1 sweet potato
(make that a real killer!)

2 onions

Cut into pieces, place in saucepan and cover level with water. Bring to boil, let simmer until cooked. Blend till smooth.


About half a can of coconut milk

Chilli powder (be as daring and blood-curdling as you wish)

On Halloween, serve in skulls, if at hand.

PS: Rinse and dry, then roast the pumpkin seeds in a bit of olive oil. Season heartily with whatever spices and herbs you find in your cupboard. They make for a yummy snack and I (want to) believe it's actually (sort of) healthy.
Plus you've really, wonderfully, made use of all the goodness of the pumpkin.